This is where R.C. Worst & Company Inc. talks about stuff related to our industry!
Posted on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 by

8 Tip for Every Sewage or Effluent Pump Owner

In today’s blog we give you some tips that can help save time and money when it comes to your sewage or effluent pump. 1. What is the pressure? Take a pressure reading when your pump is first installed so that you have a benchmark in the event that something goes wrong. Check for faulty check valves, pump, leaks, etc. If you are not sure how to check the pressure you can view our YouTube video by clicking here: 8 Things Every Sewage/Effluent Pump Owner Should Know2. Keep your pump data in an...

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Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 by

7 Things Every Submersible Well Pump Owner Needs to Know

In today’s blog we would like to give you some tips that can help you save time and money when it comes to your private well water system. Write or keep critical information in your control box such as:Pump brand and model number, date installed, set depth, installer/service technician name and contact infoTake an amp reading while the system is running. Be sure to keep your test method consistent. Keep all related documents, like your well driller report, in a ziploc bag near your pump control...

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Posted on Thursday, January 25, 2018 by

How Much does it Cost to Operate my Submersible Well Pump?

It is relatively inexpensive to operate a submersible well pump. In this blog I will show you how to calculate the cost to operate your submersible pump and motor. You will only need to know three things in order to calculate the cost. You will need to know the Motor Power Consumption (in kilowatts), the Operating Hours (per month), and the Cost of Electricity (per kilowatt hour). The power consumption of the motor is normally supplied by the manufacturer. Find the maximum load in watts of the...

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Posted on Friday, January 19, 2018 by

Green with Envy: How Sustainability is Becoming a Standard in the Modern Workplace

Changes to the economy and the environment seems to have spurred investment into sustainable technologies. These technologies are not only being incorporated in homes, but in modes of transportation and the workplace itself. Businesses, investors, employees and customers are interested in partnering, working with or supporting companies adopting sustainable practices.Employers are becoming more receptive to the needs of employees and incorporating designs for additional comfort and flexibility....

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Posted on Friday, January 12, 2018 by

Ultraviolet Water Treatment System Maintenance Tips

Having clean, safe drinking water in your home requires ongoing maintenance of your Ultraviolet (UV) system. It is relatively simple to do without the need to hire a professional. The intensity of UV light created by the UV lamp decreases over time, requiring that the UV lamp be replaced. They are good for 9,000 hours (365 days) of run time, and need to be changed annually on systems that operate year round. When changing the lamp inspect the housing, quartz sleeve, and all other equipment....

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