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How to Calculate Minimum Submergence

The minimum submergence of a pump is the vertical distance of liquid above the suction bell, inlet, or line required to avoid the creation of a vortex. If the vortex with it’s tornado-like, spinning movements like a whirlpool go deep enough it can cause cavitation in the pump. Cavitation is the formation and accumulation of bubbles around the impeller of the pump. Intense shockwaves inside the pump when the bubbles implode or collapse can cause impeller and/or housing damage. This, of course, leads to poor pump performance. The probability of this happening decreases as the liquid level above the pump inlet increases.

The minimum submergence can be calculated using the following formula:
S=D + (0.574Q / D^1.5)

S = submergence in inches
D = bell diameter in inches
Q = rate of flow in gallons per minute

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