Offering Standardized Solutions to Non-standard Situations


Provides a superior solution for disconnecting pumps for service without unwiring. Simply unplug a pump to remove. Operator safety ensured by providing power disconnect without entering high voltage control panels. Electrician not required. Addresses electrical arc flash issues for lift station operators. Pumps remain in phase allowing backup units to be swapped in minutes.

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AFS Disconnect

Panel Rack

AFS Panel Racks provide reliable mounts for electrical equipment. The panel rack structure includes a roof to extend the service life of expensive electrical control equipment from sun, rain, and snow. Field conduits can easily be located on the provided grip strut to satisfy NEC codes. Optional features such as lighting, and secondary back panel to double mounting area, are also available. The AFS Panel Rack answers where and how to hang electrical equipment.

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AFS Disconnect

Removable Float Bracket

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference. The AFS Removable Float Bracket is a little thing that really makes servicing a lift station easier. The bracket allows an operator to easily access the floats for inspection and service by simply be lifting out of place and inserting afterward. Look for the AFS Removable Float Bracket on your next AFS Packaged Lift Station or consider for an upgrade for an existing lift station.

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AFS Disconnect

Ventilation Fan and Carbon Barrel

Unfortunately lift stations stink and in sensitive areas an odor problem can be a big problem. The AFS Carbon Barrel provides media to remove the offensive odors. The AFS system generates a slight negative pressure on the wet well eliminating the nearly impossible task of making a wet well air tight. The AFS Carbon Barrel can be integrated into your AFS Packaged Lift Station or provided as a stand alone system for retrofit applications.

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AFS Carbon Barrelt

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