Per our distribution agreement with the manufacturer, this product is only available for sale in Idaho. For any questions outside of Idaho please contact Eljen directly at 800.444.1359
Eljen Geotextile Sand Filter (GSF) is an alternative for onsite septic leachfield systems. The Eljen Corporation has over 35 years of success in the onsite wastewater industry, with tens of thousands of systems currently in use. The GSF is recognized by regulatory officials and experts in the industry as one of the most reliable wastewater treatment technologies in the marketplace today. They are typically used when there is not enough space for a conventional stone and pipe system, or if a certain treatment level is needed. The system area depends on how many bedrooms your home has, state or local regulations and site characteristics (what kind of soils, where the water table is and if there is another limiting factor like bedrock/ledgerock).
The Eljen Geotextile Sand Filter (GSF) is made up of geotextile fabric and a plastic core material that work together to provide vertical surface area throughout each Module and aids in oxygen transfer. The GSF applies treated effluent to the soil, increasing the soil's long term acceptance rate. A Specified Sand layer provides additional filtration and prevents saturated conditions.
Features and Benefits
- Treatment and Disposal in the Same Footprint
- Smaller Installation Area than Conventional Systems
- Reduced Site Impact
- Lightweight and Easy to Handle
- Made from Recycled Materials
How the Eljen System Works
Primary Treatment Zone
- Perforated Pipe is Centered Above the GSF Module to Distribute Septic Effluent Over and Into Corrugations Created by the Plastic Core of the GFS Module.
- The GFS Module's Unique Design Provides Increased Surface Area for Biological Treatment fo Nutrients and Contaminants.
- Open Air Channels within the Module Support Aerobic Bacterial Growth on the Module's Geotextile Fabric Interface and Promote Oxygen in the System.
- An Anti-Siltation Geotextile Fabric Covers the Top and Sides of the GSF Module to Protect the System from the Migration of Fines.
- The GSF Module Provides Biomat Management and Takes the Burden of Treatment and Biomat Development Off of the Native Soil.
Secondary Treatment Zone
- Effluent Drips into the Specified Sand Layer and Supports Unsaturated Flow into the Native Soil.
- The Specified Sand Layer Also Protects the Soil from Compaction and Helps Maintain Cracks and Crevices in the Soil.
- Native Soil Provides Final Filtration and Allows for Groundwater Recharge.